Isaiah 19: A New Script for the Future

In Isaiah by cwfeldmann

After reading and re-reading Isaiah 19:18-25 several times, the words that initially came to mind were “wishful thinking” and “impossible.” This may be the most unusual and surprising passage in the entire Old Testament. “On that day there will be five cities in the land of Egypt that speak the …

Isaiah 1:24, 25 – God’s Refining Fire

In Isaiah by cwfeldmann

“I will take revenge on you, my enemies, and you will cause me no more trouble. I will take action against you. I will purify you the way metal is refined, and will remove all your impurity.” (Isaiah 1:24,25) Fire is a repeated theme of this book. When Isaiah encountered …

Isaiah 14:20 – You Killed Your Own People

In Isaiah by cwfeldmann

A major earthquake rocked Japan today, resulting in hundreds of deaths and unspeakable damage. Who is responsible for this? Questions about God’s involvement in disasters like this always arise such as: “How could God allow this?” “Is God punishing the people of Japan for their sin?” “Is this a judgment …

Isaiah 52:15 – Shocked into Silence

In Isaiah by cwfeldmann

The book of Isaiah has many parallels to the book of Revelation. Isaiah and Revelation not only describe God on his throne and in all his glory, but also God in his humility as a slaughtered Lamb and as a suffering Servant. Isaiah and Revelation also describe the character and the …

Isaiah 40+: The Gospel Prophet

In Isaiah by cwfeldmann

Isaiah is sometimes called “the gospel prophet” not only because the good news is specifically mentioned several times in this book, but also because Isaiah opens such beautiful prophet windows into the life and death of Jesus. This Bible study covered chapters 40-66 and primarily addressed one question: “What is …

Isaiah 1 – 39

In Isaiah by cwfeldmann

This Bible study on Isaiah covered some of the major topics within the first 39 chapters of Isaiah. The book of Isaiah is quoted 21 times in the New Testament. Isaiah saw God in all His glory on His heavenly throne, he saw God in all his humility as he …

Isaiah (2008)

In Isaiah by cwfeldmann

Part 1 The book of Isaiah is quoted 21 times in the New Testament. Isaiah saw God in all His glory on His heavenly throne, he saw God in all his humility as he was tortured to death, he saw Satan, he saw heaven and he saw hell. The theology …