Additional Lectures

In Selected Topics by cwfeldmann

White Coat Ceremony

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This talk was given for the medical student white coat ceremony held in the Loma Linda University church on May 5, 2006. What is the “one thing” in life that is important above and beyond everything else? What is the only thing that brings real peace, love, joy, and freedom?


The Principle of God’s Kingdom

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This talk was given for the Oak Glen Fellowship, a monthly meeting for the students of Loma Linda University (LLU) at the home of Dr. Richard Hart, the President of LLU.


God of the Old Testament 1

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Is the God of the Old Testament (OT) different in character than Jesus? Who was the God of the OT, the Father or the Son? Why are there so many fierce stories about God in the OT, yet when he arrived in the flesh he was so gentle and humble? When he comes back the second time will he come in the character of the OT God, or as Jesus?

God of the Old Testament 2

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Another look at the Old Testament with additional examples


Who is Like God?

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This sermon was given at the Victorville SDA church on February 3, 2007. What is the significance of the name “Michael” in the setting of the great controversy between God and Satan? How can we understand why so many in history have proclaimed “we trust in Jesus”, but yet their actions suggest that they are opposed to God’s kingdom?


What’s so important about the Character of God?

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Why is the character of God the most important doctrine of all?


Jesus Reveals God 1

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What does the life and death of Jesus reveal about the character of God and the principle of His kingdom?


Jesus Reveals God 2

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Conclusion of the talk ‘Jesus reveals God’ followed by a discussion on the subject of intercession. Why does the Father need to be pled with? Does intercession shield us from the wrath of the Father, or does it reveal that the Father Himself loves us?


The Heavenly Sanctuary, part 1

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Does God desire sacrifice? What was the purpose of the sacrificial system? Why is the Sanctuary important for us today? What is the cleansing of the sanctuary all about?


The Heavenly Sanctuary, part 2

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As we follow Jesus back into the Most Holy Place, we find ourselves in the most wonderful place of all: face to face with God!