The Sabbath and Non-Human Suffering

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

The question of whether the Sabbath in its original configuration is best seen as gift or as commandment is not over. We need to probe this question further. In this lecture, Melissa Brotton (Prof. of English at La Sierra University) will share on the topic of Sabbath and Non-Human Suffering. …

Sabbath and the World Plot

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

What is ‘the world plot’? In my vocabulary ‘the world plot’ is the cosmic conflict over the character of God. Is there a connection between Sabbath and the world plot? If there is, what is it? In conversations I have had with others about this subject, it seems increasingly evident …

The Sabbath in Genesis

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

The quest for the meaning of the seventh day, and possibly for lost meanings, must begin in Genesis. The Sabbath claims the prestige of being a part of the human experience from the very beginning. It was not our – it was not a human – idea. It was God’s …

The World as I Find It…

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

We now begin a series looking at meanings, and sometimes lost meanings, of the Sabbath. I trust that the urgency and timeliness of the subject will be apparent from the beginning – that it will not come across as an wild goose chase by people who have nothing important to …

Re-Acceptance of the Mother

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

“If you fear the Father, go to the Son. If you fear the Son, go to the Mother,” counseled Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153). Almost one thousand years later, going to ‘the Mother’ may be one of the most telling and unexpected phenomena of our time. This topic will be the …

Cosmic Conflict: The Future of America 4

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

My intention for this last class before summer break was to explain what is meant by “Re-acceptance of the Mother” in our mini-series on “The Cosmic Conflict and the Future (of America).” However, we left some very significant things unfinished on the topic “Re-acceptance of Unaccountable Authority.” I hope you …

Accountability, Infallibility, and Coercion

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

In this lecture, Dr. Tonstad continues with his fifth lecture in the series “Cosmic Conflict and the future (of America).” These lectures are an expansion of his class on the book of Revelation. In this talk, Dr. Tonstad discussed the relationship between accountability, infallibility and coercion in church history. Most …

Cosmic Conflict: The Future of America 3

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

The topic for this lecture, still under the headline of “The Cosmic Conflict and the Future (of America),” is “Re-acceptance of Unaccountable Authority.” I will revisit briefly the topic we did last time on the relationship between the Sabbath and economic predation. It troubles me that the topics are big …

Cosmic Conflict: The Future of America 2

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

Our topic a week ago was, broadly speaking, the relationship between church and state within our chosen framework of “The Cosmic Conflict and the Future (of America).” There cannot be much doubt that the last several decades have witnessed huge shifts of opinion and commitments on this point. The quest …

Cosmic Conflict: The Future of America 1

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

This lecture is entitled “The Cosmic Conflict and the Future (of America).” I am putting America in parenthesis for a reason, but it will be part of the topic. I’d like to outline a biblical and historical framework, then open up the subject for discussion. Sometimes momentous times are seen …