We’re Sorry God

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

We’re Sorry God By Dr. Brad Cole Tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes have often been mislabeled as “Acts of God.” This week, however, marked another low point in the long history of blaming God for tragedy when Oklahoma republican Cole (no relation) had this to say: “We probably should have forced …

Our Methods Reveal Our God

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

Our Methods Reveal Our God By Dr. Dorothee Cole My God is Jesus. He’s the standard I strive to live by. Even though I fail every single day, he continues to be my example, my inspiration and my encouragement. He’s the one I pray to, the one I want to …

Just God, Unjust World

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

Just God, Unjust World By Dr. Brad Cole The last two Bible studies for this school year will be on the book of Job. The central question in this book is one of theodicy which seeks to reconcile a God who is good, just and loving with a world of injustice, …

A Woman’s Place is in the…

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

A Woman’s Place is in the… By Drs. Brad and Dorothee Cole Doug Batchelor’s recent sermon, “Women Pastors: A Biblical Perspective” has been the subject of much debate over the last few weeks. This sermon should ignite a healthy discussion not only because of the issues raised about women, but …

Game of Death

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

Game of Death By Dr. Dorothee Cole Eighty volunteers were recruited for a recent game (video below) show in France that tested the power of coercion by an authority figure and a cheering audience. Each contestant in the show was told to ask questions to another “player” and punish him …

The Enemy Enigma

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

The Enemy Enigma By Dr. Dorothee Cole A recent sermon I listened to brought up a topic that I’ve thought about a lot in the last few years – one that has been an enigma to my own Christian life. The subject was, “Loving Our Enemies” and it seems to …

Who’s Your Authority?

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

Who’s Your Authority? By Dr. Brad Cole “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth” – Albert Einstein Several years ago we were in a small group Bible study when the question was asked, “What would you do if someone came and performed undeniable miracles, claiming to represent …

God’s Judgment on Haiti?

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

God’s Judgment on Haiti? By Dr. Brad Cole Despite the fact that Jesus referred to Satan as “the prince of this world” (John 12:31, 14:30), the Devil doesn’t seem get much credit for all the mayhem that takes place on this planet. In fact, Satan gets almost no press and …

Two Views

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

Two Views By Dr. Brad Cole Every Christian would agree with the words that “God is love” yet at times it seems that there are almost polar opposite views on core issues that relate to God’s character. Let’s contrast some of these views. For example:   1. Sin View A: …

Confetti for the Mind

In The God Blog by cwfeldmann

Confetti for the Mind By Dr. Brad Cole The first morning of the New Year always consists of cleaning up the mess from the night before – well, mainly cleaning up the confetti. Even though we throw the confetti in only one room of the house at midnight, these little …