Check out the new documentary Dorothee and I were involved in. This film explores the relationship between Christianity and American nationalism and violence.

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"Servant God" Audiobook by Jim Weiss

We are delighted to make the audiobook of "Servant God" available as an entirely free download. This was read by professional storyteller, Jim Weiss. Below you can watch Jim's personal testimony after reading the book, as well as the download options.

Servant God - Introduction Narrative - Jim Weiss from Global Gateway Studios on Vimeo.

Download the entire audiobook or listen right here on the website

This audiobook recording was made available by generous donations. If you would like to support further "Servant God" projects and distribution Click Here To Donate.

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Our friend John Ayala has continued to add Bible studies completed through the Old Testament and the Gospels to the following sites:
We greatly appreciate John's efforts which have made listening to the Bible studies much more user-friendly for mobile devices!

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Cosmic Conflict Study Guides

This 13 week study guide, The Cosmic Conflict Over God's Character, is now available for download, on-line reading, and as a print-ready PDF!

Get your FREEcopy  here!

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