“Servant God” Book: Update!

In Servant God by cwfeldmann

“Servant God” Update: Now Available in Kindle!

The book “Servant God” is available and ready for purchase! This multi-authored book attempts to make the case that God is exactly like Jesus in character — that God’s power is equally matched by his love and humility.

Contributors include Gregory A. Boyd, Alden Thompson, Sigve Tonstad, Jean Sheldon, Tim Jennings, and Herb Montgomery. You can read external reviews here.

The books are physically located at the Loma Linda University Printing Services and can be ordered by calling 909-558-4552. Printing Services are open Monday through Thursday, 8AM – 12PM, and 1PM – 5PM, PST. On Friday, they are open from 8AM – 2PM. If you are in the Loma Linda area, you can also purchase the book at the Loma Linda University Campus Store, the Loma Linda ABC, and at the Redlands Barnes and Noble.

The book is also available on Amazon, both in hard cover and in Kindle format at this link:


All of the proceeds are used for the reprinting and distribution of the book. There is a discounted rate for orders of 10 or more through the LLU Press.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

We pray that this book will help the building of God’s Kingdom!