Participating in the Cosmic Conflict

In Cosmic Conflict by cwfeldmann

We talk a lot about the cosmic conflict, but the bible is clear that we are to become actual participants in this great controversy. When Jesus observed his disciples initial engagement in the cosmic conflict he said, “I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightening” (Luke 10:18). In this lecture, Harvey Elder will use this passage to discuss our role in the cosmic conflict.

Harvey Elder finished his medical degree in 1957. He later completed a five year fellowship at Harvard University in bacteriology and immunology. He joined the Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1967. Dr. Elder has written numerous book chapters and scientific articles on the subject of HIV/AIDS prevention as well as the ethical human aspect of AIDS. He was awarded the Loma Linda University Alumnus of the Year in 2006. He has inspired countless medical professionals with his compassionate care for others.

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