Romans 3:3 – God’s Faithfulness

In Romans by cwfeldmann

The primary subject of Romans is God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness. As Richard B. Hays, Dean and Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School beautifully summarized, “Many people have misread the book of Romans as a book that explains how we can legally get to heaven. This interpretation, however, misses the central question that Paul is answering in this book, and that central question is this: Can God be Trusted?”

In this Bible study we explored this verse: “What if some (the Jews) were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all!” Romans 3:3,4. Paul continued to say that Jesus is the vindication of God’s faithfulness. Since this was the first Bible study of the year, however, we explored the question of God’s faithfulness in the Old Testament. Everyone would agree that Jesus was faithful, but what about the God of the Old Testament?

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