Sixty-three is not a number worth remembering, but it will be the number that brings to completion our study of Revelation (63 times). Counting the breaks we have had, the journey has taken more than two years. I am happy that there seems to be an interest in doing a …
The Message of the Bible in one Word
We are now ready for the epilogue of the book. I would also like to give you an assignment, or take an opinion poll if you like: How do we take stock of the ending (sing.) and the endings (plural) of Revelation? Which is the most important ending in your …
Revelation 22: The Healing River
Revelation 22, the last chapter of Revelation (and of the Bible) is upon us. Two images will dominate our discussion of the first few verses of Revelation 22, the healing river and the notion of ‘the healing of the nations.’ These images harness the most hopeful and compelling images of …
More Than Paradise Regained
Revelation is a book of good news – more so in times of crisis and bad news. It has unequalled explanatory power for the bad news, and it provides a horizon of hope even in the darkest hour. Such a crisis is now, at least in Japan, where it looks …
Revelation 21: The Meaning of the New City
We are now ready to embark on the ending of Revelation (chs. 21-22). Borrowing Milton’s Paradise Lost/Paradise Regained terminology, I plan to approach the ending under three headings: (1) More Than Paradise Regained. (2) Paradise Regained. (3) The ending (singular) and the endings (plural) of Revelation. We will begin # …
Nietzsche’s Critique of Christianity
We are at the gates of Paradise, so to speak. As I said last time, there should be no further delay with respect to entering (chapters 21 and 22). Nevertheless, while I am eager to get there, some very important questions have arisen that are best addressed now rather than …
Revelation 20: Timeline and Plot Retrospective
The end is upon us, if not in an absolute sense then in the sense the we are nearing the end of Revelation. Before we turn to the restoration of all things and Revelation’s vision of healing (chapters 21 and 22), I would like to try a retrospective that is …
Revelation 20: The Great White Throne
Revelation’s depiction of the end of the cosmic conflict tests the human imagination to the limit. Many questions are likely to remain even when we have done our best. If I were to search for an analogy, albeit an imperfect one, the current events in Libya might be a case …
Revelation 20: How is Satan Destroyed?
There is plenty to be surprised about in Revelation 20. Our text speaks of the end of the cosmic conflict. How, exactly, in minute detail, up close and personal, does the cosmic conflict end? That’s the topic of Revelation 20 and of our study. Blessings, Sigve T.
Revelation 20: The Millennium – Golden Age or Wasteland?
We are still trying to answer several puzzling questions in Revelation 20. Precisely how is Satan bound for the 1,000 years? And especially, why is there an apparent necessity involved in his release? To answer these questions, we need to consider the millennium, which separates the binding of Satan and …