Judas betrayed Jesus for the same primary reason that Peter betrayed Jesus. It’s true that Judas was a thief, but his actions were not mainly driven by greed. Judas desperately wanted Jesus to conform to his idea of a militant nationalistic kingdom of force and power, rather than a Kingdom of love and service. The story of Judas is also a good example of the judgment. While judgment is usually seen as a unilateral judicial decree by God, the Bible describes judgment as revelation – – how we respond to the revelation of God’s love in the person of Jesus Christ. “Unbelief, by shutting the door on God’s love, turns his love into judgment, that man shuts himself off from God’s love. There would be no judgment at all were it not for the event of God’s love. And with the mission of the Son this judgment has become a present reality.” Rudolph Bultmann ?
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