This lecture is a good place to start for those of you that are new to I would encourage you to continue on from this Bible study and into Genesis, Exodus, etc. Be sure to view the powerpoint slides with the lecture. The video and audio lectures were given at different times, but are essentially the same content. The audio lectures are recorded from the Loma Linda School of Medicine Bible study; the video lectures are recorded from the Loma Linda School of Allied and Public Health Bible study.
This is the first Bible study that begins another 2 year trip through the Bible. During this Bible study, some of the most important concepts in the Bible are discussed. What is the main purpose of the Bible and what should our focus be as we read the Bible? Why did Jesus come? Who is Jesus? Why does God sometimes appear to be different than Jesus in character? How can an all-powerful and all-good God allow little children to starve to death? Is it OK to ask these kind of questions of God as we read the Bible?
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